What are the scope of benefits?
Traditional Chinese acupuncture is often effective with a surprising range of complaints, including: headaches, allergies, chronic fatigue, depression, back pain, digestive disorders, joint pain, menstrual disorders, infertility, sleeping problems, asthma, addictions and stress. Acupuncture is helpful for many severe chronic illnesses, complaints that have no easily determined cause, and for nagging chronic conditions as well.
With ongoing treatment for maintenance and health promotion, I make these claims, evidenced in thousands of years of acupunture practice:
you will tend to get sick less often and recover more quickly;
your vitality and stamina will improve;
you will be more able to take care of your own health;
your relationships with others will deepen and become more harmonious;
health problems other than those for which you entered treatment are likely to clear up;
you will have reductions in long-term health care costs.
An in depth survey of people who receive acupuncture, conducted by Claire Cassidy, Ph.D., indicates that they see their physicians and physical therapists less frequently and use fewer prescription medications. In addition, over two-thirds of those surveyed reported having avoided recommended surgery.